Mykonos Greece

Since last year the tourism industry is doing very well in Greece. Probably because some destinations seams a bit less attractive for difference reasons. 
Once Greece was a cheap destination this is not the case any more. In ten years a lot of nice hotels have pop up and in general the standing is much higher. The place is incredibly clean and the people are extremely nice. 
The village is so pretty with its narrow streets and white and blue houses. Mykonos is a very charming place with a lot of shops, restaurants, cat and a star Pelican. 
Chic, not chic, gay, not gay, people on cruise, young, older, asians, europeans, americans middle east ... this is the new crowd. 
You are almost garanti to find nice weather from June to October. 
 Dperfect, near the windmills, with a parking  a nice swimming pool, and a postcard view. The other alternative are the Belvedere Hotel and Hotel Boheme.

Beaches: To reach the beaches you need to rent a small car or a quad (be aware that the road are very small and very steep.
Our favorite one is Namos, the place to be... the place to see the beautiful people . The favorite spot of the Athenians. Excellent restaurant with a big fish stand.
Hippie Fish nice but more low profile and less busy. Nice shop.
For more traditional tavern head to the north of the island to Kiki's and Fokos tavern.

Restaurants: M-eating (elegant modern greek),  Nobu, Koursaros,  Kounelas Fish tavern (excellent fresh fish which you select at your arrival), Sea Satin (to watch the sunset, make sure you take a fish served on the glass plateau.

Drink of the island: Cappuccino Fredo.