London is in constant movement, the Shard is finish.....bikes have take over the all city, the street art is all over Shoreditch  as well as a new shopping place BoxPark made of containers and new restaurants have pop up every where. So in my week stay I try:

In Mayfair : the up market 34, the meat restaurant of Scott's excellent, great service

In Soho: the cool  tiny but excellent Dicksoup and of course I have been back to the excellent Barrafina and Bocca del Lupo

Lima a Peruvian restaurant where you can drink a Pisco sour, eat a fabulous Ceviche and of course a Dulce de late ice cream

In Shoreditch : a lot of new place in this district, I did not try them just had a look. I just had a glass of champagne on the roof terrace at Boundary ... lovely
Save for my next trip for lunch a very little place with no name next to the Boundary there they seams to save fantastic pizzas and the new Hix restaurant which has a enormous peace of Damien Hirst art.....

Quick quick until September 9 you can visit the fabulous Damien Hirst exposition at Tate modern...don't miss the Butterflies room absolutely amazing.