Saint Tropez

Saint Tropez has been under a lot of change again this year.
Our favorite hotel "La Bastide des Salins" has renovated all the 14 rooms and we just love it. It is very Saint Tropez style. We really feel at home, it is a little quiet hotel nested in a gorgeous garden with of course a great swimming pool. It is a very nice place to stay, relax and enjoy. The staff is lovely.
I highly recommend it.

 LVMH  has bought an other place: Maison Blanche, so your best place for a before diner drink is not here any more, but should be replace by a Champagne bar ...this is still under renovation and probably will not open before the  the summer season.
Saint Tropez is now full of luxury mono brand shops, the new addition this year will be Gucci and probably more to come are many shops are still closed.
Regarding the beaches, La Voile Rouge no not exist any more.....the last gossip is that they might open being the previous one (so not on the beach any more).
Our favorite beaches are: Les Palmiers for people watching and cuisine, Noulargo, Key West and Les Jumeaux for something good but more low profil.

For diner, Crisina Saulini an Italian restaurant in a little street in the town.