Hong Kong

Hotel to stay: at the mythic Peninsula in Kowloon. For a full experience ask the car from the hotel to pick you up at the airport..its a Rolls. The transfer also include a very special service, someone is waiting for you at the airport prior to the custom to help you in every thing, specially if your lugage did not arrived! The service of the Peninsula is up to is legend...one of the best in the world. The Concierge is also very efficient.

For a Glass of Champagne: head to SOHO (south of Hollywood) the trendy district. You can stop at Goccia or try an other one. You will find many restaurants and bars. During the day SOHO is the Antique shop district.
In Kowloon....at Aqua 1 Pekin street for the view and the atmosphere.

Restaurants: the new trend in HK is private kitchen. Make sure you try Da Ping Huo. A great experience. The best Chinese (Chechouan cuisine) ever. Very spicy some times but so good. They serve you 14 different dishes. The chef sing opera at the end. Felix at the Peninsula for the view and the Stark total design. Hutong for the view and design. China Club for the colonial vibe.

Place to visit: Macao..you can get there by heli,15 mm fly. Bird Garden, Goldfish Market, Flower Market. Food Market in Kowloon near the Jade market (skip the jade market). Take a boat trip in Aberdeen. Explore Repulse bay and Stanley Market.

Shopping: everywhere...amazing. Chanel at each street corner


Hotel to stay: Peninsula. Located on the river bank. You can from you room watch the amazing boat traffic and get a good feeling of the city vibe. The swimming pool is amazing and if you have extra time you should go to the spa, one of the most beautiful I have seen so far. Open few month ago, in a Thai modern spirit...high ceiling...Magnificent. Overall the service is impeccable and the staff lovely, helful and smilly.

Restaurants: For lunch Celdon at the Sukhotai. For diner the Thai restaurant at the Peninsula...spectacular Thai cuisine best to eat near the river.Eat Me : own by a friendly Aussie...a test of expat fusion food and ambiance .

What to do: Cooking classes : Thai and Chinese with 5 stars chefs..."super genial "at the Peninsula. The best ios to book for a priviate class. A great experience. Spend some time at the Spa its spectacular. You can of course always go and visit all the temples...

Chiang Mai

Hotel to stay: Mandarin Oriental....the service is impeccable. More than 200 peoples are working in this resort imagined as a Royal Palace. The al resort is build around a rice field that they seams to actually take care of in a tradionnal Thai way using Bull. Very impressive. The Spa can be classified as the best Spa worldwide. The swimming pool is also very unique.

For a glass of Champagne: Horn Bar at Mandarin Oriental. Very modern, High ceiling, dark color, amazing horn mask collection on the wall. If it was in London or New York this bar will be the most trendy you can find..

Restaurants: the french restaurant Farang Ses at the Mandarin Oriental fantastic design, divine cuisine, great service

What to do: take a Mahout course a Maesa Elephant Camp, enjoy the Spa an swimming pool at the Mandarin Oriental


Hotel to stay: Amanpuri. Serenity , beauty, will be the 2 words I will use to describe this place. Even if the hotel is full to absolutely do not have this feeling at all. You can always find a place there you find alone ...the beach in the morning, nobody really arrived before 11:00 or the swimming pool in the afternoon the one on to of the Japanese restaurant (there is 3 pools).

I recommend that you arrive in good shape...watch out the stairs!!!!

Restaurants : Thai and Japanese restaurants in the hotel (I don't recommend the Italian one)

What to do: relax, swim, snorkeling, boat ride ...Enjoy

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